How to Make Your Mobile First Site a Success

At Bump, we’re experts in CX and analytics and we’re all about knowing what’s best for your business, whether it’s UX, marketing or social media.

And when it comes to getting you the sales conversions you’re after, we know exactly how to get you there.

Over the last few years the move to mobile first design has been massive. With thousands of people swapping from desktop to mobile technology, it’s predicted that by the end of 2018 nearly 65% of online shopping traffic will be mobile. That’s why it’s vitally important to make sure your site is fully mobile compatible. Below are a few tips to make sure your mobile site is easy to use and reaches its full potential.

Make sure it’s mobile first…
Your website needs to be compatible with a mobile, this means it needs responsive design that’s suitable for all mobile devices. Trying to load a website made for desktop on a tiny screen is never going to work, so make sure you’ve adapted your site to be mobile first and fast loading.

Make sure it’s readable…
The last thing anyone wants when trying to scroll through a mobile site is have to decipher text they can’t read or font that’s so bright it hurts their eyes. You don’t need to over complicate your site to make it attention-getting, simplicity always works best and you can be creative and colourful without cluttering up your site.

Make sure it’s easy to get in touch…
Always make sure it’s easy to contact you, especially if using email or a contact form option. You want customers to be able to drop you a message quickly and at the touch of a button, not wasting time scrolling through pages to find contact details. Always make sure contact details like phone numbers and emails are clearly displayed.

Make sure you link your social media…
If your business is connected through social media, then your customers are going to want to know. Having buttons or icons that easily take you from your website to your social pages is advisable. This way they can take a peak at testimonials, reviews or even share a post on how great your brand is.

Make sure shopping isn’t a chore…
We all hate being dragged from store to store when looking for something to buy, so if you’re operating an online store, be sure to have checkout options that can be accessed with ease. ‘Buy Now’ buttons make purchasing and shipping info readily available so customers can purchase in just a few clicks.

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